Tuesday, December 19, 2017


Homily: St. Paul’s – Advent 2


Comfort, comfort ye my people … a voice cries in the wilderness (Isaiah)

a prophet speaks to us as only a prophet can:

… all people are grass … see our God comes with might … to be their shepherd

Then in Mark’s version of the gospel, we take a quick step from the Old Testament prophets right into the New Testament:

John the baptizer appeared in the wilderness, proclaiming a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins … He proclaimed, “The one who is more powerful than I is coming after me; I am not worthy to stoop down and untie the thong of his sandals.

John the Baptist

I once got to hear John the Baptist speak. Well, not really John the Baptist. It may have been more like Jeremiah. Well, I’m not sure but in appearance and in his voice he was nothing if not an Old Testament prophet, walking right into a church auditorium in Pueblo, Colorado, ca. 1977.

His name was William McNamara. A Carmelite priest, following in the tradition of St. Teresa of Avila and St. John of the Cross of 500 years ago, he was traveling the country trying to spread the word of what would be his life-long message. That contemplation and mysticism was available to everyone – not just to some elite group of super-hero-Christians.

I think McNamara must have known that he looked and sounded “like” one of the prophets. From the moment he spoke I somehow knew that he knew (in the biblical sense) of the fiery passionate presence of God that Moses himself knew.

I frequently refer to McNamara when I am visiting churches that have an exuberant “giving of the peace” the way you do here at St. Paul’s. He tells the story in one of his early books about the introduction of the peace in the 70’s. He said e.g. there was the church where everyone stood up and greeted one another, [that was ok with him] then they got out of their pews and greeting people near them [that was ok with him] then they greeted everyone in the building [that was ok with him] then they went outside and continued the peace out there. He decided that wasn’t ok with him. He thought that they missed the point of the peace then.

They were passionate, but passionate about greeting one another and not about celebrating the presence of the living God – who might come in power and glory at any moment, catching them unawares.

William McNamara

William McNamara, also known as Abba Willie, was one of the most influential spiritual writers and mystics of the 21st century. … died at 5:50 p.m. on Tuesday, March 31, 2015, after a long period of illness. He was 89 years old.

The website devoted to his memory says that it is dedicated to McNamara’s unique brand of “earthy mysticism,” a soaring, Christian-based spirituality that nevertheless is inspired by such down-to-earth, life-affirming, passionate figures as Zorba the Greek.


Some years after I was first exposed to McNamara I had a lesson from one of my first spiritual directors. He helped me to see that I was probably more of a Zorba wannabe than an actual passionate figure like Zorba.

Whether I was looking on in admiration or yearning for something I could never be, I recognized in this person the voice of one able to summon the presence of God into our midst.

He was acting in the tradition of Thomas Merton re. mysticism for everyone.

“The mystic is not a special kind of person; every person is a special kind of mystic.” (from the opening of Earthy Mysticism.

To my students I repeat 5-6 times a definition: “Mysticism is the experience of the sacred in every day life.” Some of them get it. Most of them do not.

not exotic someone with weird dress and language

subtitle of the book he had just published “Spirituality for a bored society”

  • bored is not where we are now … rather stimulated 24/7
  • as if what we did in the 80’s to our “boredom” was to find every new ways to be entertained and distracted

loss of passion he would say leads to boredom. What the world – or as he corrects himself several times – he is not really preaching to others, he is preaching to himself – the best, only kind of preaching – what he needs is more passion not less.

  • the great heroes of faith, the saints, the mystics, were not passionless but profoundly passionate folk.
  • John the Baptist could have played it safe and not preached directly against the sinfulness of the rulers of his day. It might have saved him his head. But he was passionate in his love for God.

Everyday Mysticism

We are meant to hear the prophetic voice at the beginning of Advent

Anthony deMello wrote many years ago, at the beginning of one of his books:

Spirituality means waking up. Most people, even though they don’t know it, are asleep. They’re born asleep, they live asleep, they marry in their sleep, they breed children in their sleep, they die in their sleep without ever waking up. They never understand the loveliness and the beauty of this thing that we call human existence. You know, all mystics -Catholic, Christian, non-Christian, no matter what their theology, no matter what their religion – are unanimous on one thing: that all is well, all is well. Though everything is a mess, all is well. Strange paradox, to be sure. But, tragically, most people never get to see that all is well because they are asleep. They are having a nightmare.link

Dec. 10 in the Episcopal Calendar is Thomas Merton

He died on this date in 1968. I was privileged to spend almost a month with a colleague and friend of his in the mountains of Wyoming.

Some of you might say – camping in the wilderness, ugh - others might say, – camping in the wilderness, oh how wonderful

In either case, the call of Merton as with all the prophets, is addressed to all of us at any time, in any place, “Come into the presence of the living God.”

“What the World needs now”

What the world needs now is love sweet love,
Its the only thing that there’s just to little of,
What the world needs now is love sweet love,
No, not just for some but for everyone,
Lord we don’t need another mountain,
There are mountains and hillsides,
Enough to climb

There are oceans and rivers,
Enough to cross, enough to last till the end of time,
What the world needs now is love sweet love,
Its the only thing that there’s just to little of,
What the world needs now is love sweet love,
No, not just for some but for everyone,
Lord, we don’t need another meadow,
There are cornfields and wheat fields,
Enough to grow

There are sunbeams and moonbeams,
Enough to shine,

Songwriters: Burt Bacharach / Hal David
© Warner/Chappell Music, Inc, BMG Rights Management US, LLC – Artist: Dionne Warwick

There are oceans, and rivers, sunbeams, & moonbeams, … are there enough of them? Have we seen them with the eyes of love?

Our world hums on just fine. It’s heating up at an ever greater pace and will hardly notice when we’ve destroyed the home we grew up in.

The oceans and rivers don’t flow and wave with love. They do it without love or passion. Love and Passion, mystical passion, is our bailwick – our kuleana

Kuleana is a uniquely Hawaiian value and practice which is loosely translated to mean “responsibility.” The word kuleana refers to a reciprocal relationship between the person who is responsible, and the thing which they are responsible for.

For example, Hawaiians have a kuleana to our land: to care for it and to respect it, and in return, our land has the kuleana to feed, shelter, and clothe us, through this relationship we maintain balance within society and with our natural environment.

One of the most significant things I have heard in my life in the church was said by Bp. Tutu. God has made us responsible for his reputation.

Another had to do with an understanding of baptism, what it meant to be a Christian and what that meant for our understanding of ordination. It was articulated by several bishops I knew in Northern Michigan. Baptism makes us part of the 1 body. The body ordains some to be symbols for the rest of us of what we are all supposed to be doing: being good stewards, forgiving, blessing, serving.

It is the kuleana of all of us to be passionate – profligate – with our love. Not the shallow feelings that are the stuff of too much of our lives. Certainly not the abuse that has passed for erotic love for too long. Passionate love like the great mystics have had: Elijah, Elizabeth of Hungary, Nicholas of Myra, Joan of Arc, Demond Tutu, Thomas Keating, Dorothy Day – the list is long. And none of them could be accused of being tepid with their love.

All of them have built up the reputation of the God whom they have bowed down to worship.

All of them are symbols for what the rest of us are to be about in our lives of compassion and courageous love for the world and the people we share this life with.


If we open our hearts to passionate love, if we have ears to hear and eyes to see, this Advent, we will hear the words of the prophets:

Wake up. Pay Attention. God’s reputation is in your hands now. And may God bless you as you go.

Monday, December 4, 2017


Homily Advent 1: St. Paul’s


I have used the prayer Song of Zechariah for a very long time as a part of my daily prayer. I had it memorized by the time I was 30. Maybe I was drawn to it because it was a song by a father. I recognize I have a special place in my heart for fathers. It was sung by John the Baptist’s father, a priest, at the time his parents took John to be circumcised. He had been struck dumb, you may remember, when he scoffed at the notion that they would have a child at their advanced age. When next he opened his mouth to speak, he named the child “John” and praised God in song.

Towards the end of the song we hear:

Benedictus Dominus (Song of Zechariah)

You, my child, shall be called the prophet of the Most High,
for you will go before the Lord to prepare his way,
To give his people knowledge of salvation *
by the forgiveness of their sins.
In the tender compassion of our God *
the dawn from on high shall break upon us,
To shine on those who dwell in darkness and the
shadow of death, *
and to guide our feet into the way of peace.

From a long time ago I heard those words addressed to me. prepare the way of the Lord Seems rather filled with hubris doesn’t it? I think I first thought of this when I came across the suggestion that as representatives of Christ, as Christians in our world, we bear responsibility for what other people think it means to be a Christian.

When they walk away from us, will they have met a representative of Christ? Will they have seen something of a reflection of Christ? Or will it be something else?

It seems to me that we are directed to do the same thing that John’s father said about him. We are meant to prepare the way for those who come after us, that they might be able to see Christ.

It’s Advent

I thought about these things because (surprise, surprise) it’s Advent. Once again we Episcopalians and the other odd-ball Christians who follow a church year begin to Keep Advent. We are for a period of time, or for some part of our week, out of sync with the rest of the world around us. Everyone else is keeping Christmas (at least anticipating it) or they are anticipating the end of the year and all that it brings us.

We, on the other hand, are now beginning a new year. When we gather in church on Sundays we are – as of today – going to hear from the gospel of Mark rather than the gospel of Matthew.

My Mother’s conversion led to our family when I was growing up to keep advent. It meant we didn’t put up Christmas decorations until Christmas eve. It meant that we were accustomed to the 12 days of Christmas when our friends were throwing away Christmas. It meant that we heard a message of prayer and penitence rather than festive celebrations.

Most of our friends didn’t have a clue.

What are we doing? Are we keeping alive traditions because they make us feel better? Because we like the nostalgia that it calls to mind?

I want to suggest today that we are doing a most solemn and important thing by keeping Advent.

Making room for the one who is to come.

Watchword: Make room for the one who is to come – it turns out that we don’t know if it he will come in our lifetime, so it’s all about making room for those who come after

In the most profound way, it seems to me that we are preparing the way for the one who is to come after us. In so many ways.

When I was growing up I encountered the holy in the priests who led our Episcopal summer camp at Evergreen, Colorado. Theyled us in chants and incense. It was where I first encountered the Benedictus Dominus Deus. In college there were all kinds of encounters that led me to have a thirst for the sacred. Music sometimes sent my soul into a reverie that conjurred up God’s very presence, just out of reach. I thought I could study mysticism in English, Philosophy, Religion, Science … just about anywhere.

I was thirsty because others had prepared the way for me to see and feel it.

I once listened to Michael Ramsey teach for a week on glory

Then I finally felt like I had experienced as close as I would get at the 1st Easter Vigil at Nashotah House seminary. But as always, it was fleeting. It quickly faded. I was ordained and tasked with leading others to experience the same.

With hardly any warning, it was I who was expected to prepare the way for others to encounter the Lord.

I read something like what I am talking about in my evening devotions the other day:

THE JOY BEYOND the walls of the world more poignant than grief. Even in church you catch glimpses of it sometimes though church is apt to be the last place because you are looking too hard for it there. It is not apt to be so much in the sermon that you find it or the prayers or the liturgy but often in something quite incidental like the evening the choral society does the Mozart Requiem, and there is your friend Dr. X, who you know thinks the whole business of religion is for the birds, singing the Kyrie like a bird himself — Lord, have mercy, have mercy —as he stands there among the baritones in his wilted shirt and skimpy tux; and his workaday basset-hound face is so alive with if not the God he wouldn’t be caught dead believing in then at least with his twin brother that for a moment nothing in the whole world matters less than what he believes or doesn’t believe — Kyrie eleison, Christe eleison — and as at snow, dreams, certain memories, at fairy tales, the heart leaps, the eyes fill.

the Gospel

"I love the way Mark’s gospel begins. It has no pretenses. It doesn’t have any smooth phrases. It just starts. This is it. The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God…

It’s not a bad way to begin keeping Advent. Just jump right in and who do we meet? John the Baptist. Not baby Jesus. Not angels. But a prophet! Surely this is a figure who is preparing the way.

And lo and behold it has been passed on. From generation to generation, the good news has been handed from one family, one generation, to another Passing it on one of the responsibilities of our Christian faith. And it has come down to us. Now we are responsible to prepare the way.

That is the very definition of tradition. Passing it on.

Tevye singing “Tradition” link

A fiddler on the roof. Sounds crazy, no? But in our little village of Anatevka, you might say every one of us is a fiddler on the roof, trying to scratch out a pleasant, simple tune without breaking his neck. It isn’t easy. You may ask, why do we stay up there if it’s so dangerous? We stay because Anatevka is our home… And how do we keep our balance? That I can tell you in one word… Tradition."

Tradition, tradition… tradition
Tradition, tradition… tradition

“Because of our traditions, we’ve kept our balance for many, many years. Here in Anatevka we have traditions for everything… how to eat, how to sleep, even, how to wear clothes. For instance, we always keep our heads covered and always wear a little prayer shawl… This shows our constant devotion to God. You may ask, how did this tradition start? I’ll tell you - I don’t know. But it’s a tradition… Because of our traditions, everyone knows who he is and what God expects him to do.”

Tevye calls it tradition. Today we call it “Keeping Advent.” The window to be able to see the glory of God has been kept open from one generation to generation.

Keeping Advent.

The one we await is coming. We are right to be expectant, anticipating, waiting … as Advent invites us. But when? We can not say. So prepare the way. Pass on the tradition. Keep Advent.

Saturday, November 4, 2017


Homily: Nov. 5, 2017

All Saints tr. ⚜ St. Paul’s, Monroe, NC

Many years ago my brother sent me an audio tape of a concert / program given at Carnegie Hall in honor of Harry Chapin’s 45th birthday. 12/7/87. He had died, tragically a few years earlier. Harry Belafonte was mc’'íng the program. Somebody said to him that the Smothers Brothers were next on the program. Belafonte feigned surprise. He said.

They’re here? My god, I’m glad I came man. Isn’t it great.

Harry Chapin was a personal saint of mine. I first encountered him as a gifted folk singer, a singer of tales. Then I learned that he was one of the first – if not the first – artist to bring attention to world hunger. It was reported and commonly known that he would do one concert for himself and then do another concert where the proceeds went toward a charity of some kind. His legacy lives on to this day in the form food banks.

Chapin was also a dedicated humanitarian who fought to end world hunger; he was a key participant in the creation of the Presidential Commission on World Hunger in 1977.[1] In 1987, Chapin was posthumously awarded the Congressional Gold Medal for his humanitarian work.

He sang a song about how he had just experienced his 34rd birthday. There was some relief because as he said so many great people died at 33.

When I started this song I was still thirty-three
The age that Mozart died and sweet Jesus was set free
Keats and Shelley too soon finished, Charley Parker would be
And I fantasized some tragedy’d be soon curtailing me (There Only Was One Choice)

He made 34., but 5 years later (1987) he died in a fiery car crash on the Long Island Freeway – on his way to a free concert.

his epitaph reads:

Oh if a man tried
To take his time on Earth
And prove before he died
What one man’s life could be worth
I wonder what would happen
to this world

My God, I’m glad I’m here, man. Or as I might put it, I’m glad I count harry Chapin a part of the communion of saints. I’m glad we’re in the same family, man.

Blessed among us

Mary Pat and I read each day at morning prayer about saints, some of them well known, others less so. Some of them recognized as saints. Some of them not so much. The section of the prayer is called blessed among us.

One of the things we like about it is that we read about unusual “saints”. Not on the usual lists. Not on any list in some cases.

Peace Pilgrim: Wikipedia

One them we learned about some months ago lived much of her remarkable life in anonymity. She walked. And she walked and she walked. In the 1950’s she started walking across the US talking to whoever she could and whoever was willing about peace. In 1953 she gave up using her real name and just referred to herself as Peace Pilgrim.

She stopped counting the miles she had walked in 1964 at which point she had walked 25,000 miles for peace. She became known as: spiritual teacher, mystic, pacifist, vegetarian activist as well as peace activist. She was on her 7th cross country journey when she died in 1981.

Because of the communion of the saints I get to count her as part of the family I belong to.

I’m glad we’re in the same family, man.

Peace Lady homeless blessing citynews

Along the way I learned about another peace lady. In April of this year a lady died known to most of the people in Toronto as the Peace Lady.

Donning an all white gown, her arms outstretched – one holding a white flag the other making the peace symbol, Davis would stand for hours.

In 2009, Davis told the Toronto Sun she decided to end her highway blessing mission when a driver suddenly stopped his car in the middle of the DVP to take her picture, nearly causing a massive crash.

When she wasn’t blessing drivers, Davis spent most of her life living in a tent by a ravine near the Don River.

She was a mother, a grandmother and even a great grandmother.

I confess to you that I have a special place in my heart for homeless people. They can often be very weak in defenses, they don’t have property or pride to protect, and they can be simply present. I’m glad I’m in the same family as the peace lady.

Summoned by Love

On my birthday the person we read about was a French man named Carlo Carretto. blog about him I lived with him every day while I was in seminary. I stumbled upon his book Summoned by Love and used it to keep myself going during days of discouragement and loss of vision.

He was an activist for the church in the early 20th c. when suddenly at age 44 he gave up the life he had known and became a contemplative monk of the Little Brothers of Jesus, inspired by the life and witness of Charles de Foucauld.

Essentially, he showed how to live a contemplative life in the midst of the world, in the desert that is ultimately everywhere. The challenge of the Gospel, as he saw it, was to create in this desert an oasis of love. He died on my birthday in 1988.

I’m really glad we’re in the same family, man

Righteous Gentile

A few days later we read about Oskar Schindler. That’s a name more of you may be familiar with. He’s not on any list of saints that I know of. But he became a hero of mine as soon as I learned about in the 1990’s as the movie about him was being produced.

He was in so many ways nothing like what we might think of as a saint. He wasn’t pious and demure. He wasn’t an obvious model citizen or father. He was flawed. But in all his ambiguity, in the raw grit of his life and times – he became a hero of the spirit, a person that I am glad to call a part of my family.

As the catastrophe of the European Jews was rapidly accelerating into genocide and mass murder, through deception and cunning, he found a way to save thousands of Jews – "Schindler’s Jews. At his death, at his request, he was buried in Jerusalem.

In the words of the Talmud, “He who saves one life, saves the entire world.”

I’m really glad we’re in the same family, man

Conscientious Objector

The person marked in our prayer book for Mary Pat’s and my anniversary was a traditional Christian. In his case it was Catholic, but it might have been any denomination. He followed the ritual and doctrine. But then he came up against a brick wall. And it was 1942. And he found that he could find nothing in the teachings of Christ that would give justification for killing another human being. He announced that he was a conscientious objector – in the midst of WW2, after all! Gordon Zahn was one of my personal models when I was in my 20’s during the VIetnam War.

Zahn wrote and taught tirelessly about the cause of peace and helped found Pax Christi USA (Peace of Christ). He died 2 days after Franz Jäggerstätter was beatified. Franz had died for refusing to be drafted by the the Nazi’s.

I’m really glad we’re in the same family, man

“All I see is Christ”

Dorothy Day died on Nov. 29th, 1980. She became one of my saints when I had to teach about her life and witness during my graduate studies at Notre Dame. For all her activism, support for the downcast and homeless and hopeless, for all her interest in social justice of all kinds, the one thing that cemented her as part of the family I wanted to be a part of was a video clip that we would show the students at ND.

In the clip, one of Dorothy’s friends was interviewed at the New York Catholic Worker House. She related an episode where a man had come to the back door (the camera panned to that door) and asked for a place to spend the night. He asked if there was an extra bed. Dorothy said, “Yes.”

At that her friend pulled her aside and said, “We don’t have any extra beds.” To which Dorothy replied, “Yes, we do. I will give him my bed.” At that her friend was exasperated and said, “But Dorothy, didn’t you see that he has open sores all over his body?” Without hesitation Dorothy responded, “No. All I saw was Jesus.”

I love the fact that I can count Dorothy a part of my family. I’m glad we’re related, man

The church and the poor

10/27 Fr. Henri Perrin (Worker priests)

I first learned about Henri Perrin and his fellow worker priests in the 1970’s. They and some other priests had volunteered during WW2 to work in labor camps to which many of the French had been conscripted in order to work for the Nazi war effort. Their experience led them to later give up traditional parish work and to take jobs with other factory workers, seeking to break down barriers between rich and poor. Eventually the organized church banned this experiment.

But their vision lived on and it became my own initial vision for my ministry. I told my bishop back in the 1970’s that the way I imagined my work was to be with the outcast, the disenfranchised, and the weakest in our communities. By that I had in mind, working with the dying and with small congregations that couldn’t afford “normal” clergy. In order to make that possible, I thought, I will have a 2nd paying job which will pay for my real ministry.

I have at least in part lived out that vision and I owe so much of it to Fr. Henri Perrin. I’m glad we’re part of the same family, man.


I’m glad we’re in the same family, man.

Almighty God, you have knit together your elect in one
communion and fellowship in the mystical body of your Son
Christ our Lord: Give us grace so to follow your blessed saints
in all virtuous and godly living, that we may come to those
ineffable joys that you have prepared for those who truly love
you; through Jesus Christ our Lord,


Homily: Oct 29, 2017. St. Peter’s.


We have several anniversaries presented to us this morning. They represent the general theme of remembering.

Reformation Sunday

passing on the “tradition” of Reformation Sunday

  • Grace alone
  • Scripture alone
  • Faith alone

These are Reformation truths, dogmas, that been at the core of its teaching down through the centuries. But the truth is, we are not alone.

For many who have recently written about this anniversary there is considerable introspection and wondering about which part of the Reformation we ought to celebrate. On the one hand there is the reforming part that sought to rid the church of dysfunction, abuse, corruption, incompetence, etc. On the other hand the Reformation set in motion things like an excessive and exuberant celebration of the individual over the community, the splintering of Christianity that at one time in the 1980’s was creating 3-5 new denominations in the US per week!, a distrust of institutions that threatens the civic conversation that keeps our nation functioning. Luther himself was a passionate man who gave his posterity both great music, the German language, and a heritage of vicious anti-semitism.

One of my personal heroes and mentors, Stanley Hauerwas, has said, “I don’t like Reformation Sunday” firsthings

In the words of another writer:

If we mark Reformation Sunday in the humble confession and joyful conviction that God, with amazing grace, is not done reforming the church and the world, then another robust chorus of “A Mighty Fortress” may yet be justified. ministrymatters

For myself this morning, I think that anywhere we look in history there are warts, miscues, innocent victims … as well as transcendent service to humanity, victory over callousness, and seeds of resurrection.planted daily.

If we were celebrating me, I wouldn’t want us to too closely without using eyes and hearts of wonder, compassion, and forgiveness.

For the sake of our dear friends, Gordon and Leslie, and with such a spirit, I would like us to celebrate Reformation Sunday.

But there’s more that is presented to us in the readings from the Bible.


The Exodus reading is presented in the text as the The First Passover Instituted.. For myself, at least, it is strange to read it

In the text at this point we are reading about the plagues that God is imposing on the Egyptians -ostensibly to try to convince Pharaoh to let the Israelites go. Then in our chapter (12) God instructs the Israelites on how they are to celebrate Passover in memory of this event -onward into their posterity.

Then God does indeed smite all the first born of Egypt, spare the first born of Israelites, empower Moses to lead them out of Egypt, give them the Torah on Mt. Sinai, lead them to victories to the very shore of the Jordan River, … fast forward through catastrophes and misguided efforts and saintly acts, the Jews are still celebrating Passover 3,500 years later.

It’s as if in the New Testament we were to read about Jesus taking his disciples through the adventures of his last week in Jerusalem, leads them up the Upper Room, --and then in an interludes talks about how the church of the future is to celebrate the Eucharist -whether to use wine or grape juice, who is allowed to receive or not receive, who is allowed to preside or not preside, etc.

Only then would the passage go on to describe Jesus celebrating the Last Supper with his disciples.

2 or 3 Gathered Together

In a strange sort of way we have just such a passage from the gospel of Matthew.

Matthew the only gospel to talk about “Church”

but this is ecclesiaassembly – not a building or institution – essentially the same meaning as the word “synagogue”

so today’s reading: “Whenever you gather together, you act in my name, …” These things will follow. You will be empowered to bind and to loose, to gather up and to scatter, all in my name.

Through the centuries these words have been used to explain or justify a variety of different actions of the church.

We have these anniversaries of sorts. An event occurs and sets in motion events and decisions, scenarios and theatrics, that we could scarcely have predicted.

Today we Remember.

I remember the first time I heard someone talk about “remembering” as something that was more than recalling what the right answer was for my history quiz or what I was supposed to do playing 2nd base when I got a hit with a runner on 3rd base.

I was early adolescent, but I was eager to learn about religion and Christian faith. I was in confirmation class, on my way to becoming an Episcopalian. It seemed fantastic -even magical -what was described to us by the priest. He said that in the words and action of the Eucharist we re-member the words that Jesus used at the Last Supper. And in the act re-membering them, we were making present the very event that we recalled. Our memory had the power to bring to the present what seemed to be ancient.

re-membering -later I would learn about a greek term that made it seem somehow more accessible, more acceptable. anamnesis

Anamnesis (from the Attic Greek word ἀνάμνησις meaning “reminiscence” or “memorial sacrifice”), in Christianity, is a liturgical statement in which the Church refers to the memorial character of the Eucharist or to the Passion, Resurrection and Ascension of Christ.

In a wider sense, Anamnesis is a key concept in the liturgical theology: in worship the faithful recall God’s saving deeds.This memorial aspect is not simply a passive process but one by which the Christian can actually enter into the Paschal mystery.

the Platonist meaning

the remembering of things from a supposed previous existence (often used with reference to Platonic philosophy). In Greek thought, particularly Plato’s thought, to gain knowledge was to shed the veil of forgetfulness within us. It was to undo the forgetting that was between us and knowledge.

It is a strange concept at first, but if any of you have ever had an Ah, Hah Moment I think you might agree that it feels like “unforgetting” – as if we had known it all along.

comparing Wiesel & Augustine: link

Augustine, later in the Christian tradition, presuming the Platonist view of memory as holding knowledge -expands to seek God within himself, in his memory, etc. So Augustine conceived his own search for God as a search within himself. He sought to know who he was in the knowledge that he had been made in the image of God. To know oneself, then, in the deepest sense, was to know God.

Memory was where we would find God as we looked within. To lose our memory is to lose ourselves. To lose ourselves, there is no us to know God.


The memory of these events we mark today have been passed down to us through the generations. They have been re-membered, re-embodied, re-discovered, generation after generation up to the present day.

Exodus was passed on from catastrophe upon catastrophe for the Jews. Egypt was not the last power to conquer them. They would be defeated and persecuted generation after generation. But actually to re-member the Exodus and to make it present in the current day was the point of it all.

day shall be a day of remembrance for you. You shall celebrate it as a festival to the Lord; throughout your generations you shall observe it as a perpetual ordinance.


Like Passover – and we say weekly, “Christ our Passover is sacrificed for us.” – the Eucharist has come down to us from generation to generation. It frees us from the tyranny of thinking that we are alone in the Universe, that we can feed ourselves without being fed and sharing in turn, that life is only about the bread we make. The Eucharist, remembered over and over again, like Passover and the Reformation, brings God into our midst through the very act of remembering.

Dom Dix in The Shape of the Liturgy the quote

Was ever another command so obeyed? For century after century, spreading slowly to every continent and country and among every race on earth, this action has been done, in every conceivable human circumstance, for every conceivable human need from infancy and before it to extreme old age and after it, from the pinnacle of earthly greatness to the refuge of fugitives in the caves and dens of the earth. Men have found no better thing than this to do for kings at their crowning and for criminals going to the scaffold; for armies in triumph or for a bride and bridegroom in a little country church; for the proclamation of a dogma or for a good crop of wheat; for the wisdom of the Parliament of a mighty nation or for a sick old woman afraid to die; for a schoolboy sitting an examination or for Columbus setting out to discover America; for the famine of whole provinces or for the soul of a dead lover; in thankfulness because my father did not die of pneumonia; for a village headman much tempted to return to fetich because the yams had failed; because the Turk was at the gates of Vienna; for the repentance of Margaret; for the settlement of a strike; for a son for a barren woman; for Captain so-and-so wounded and prisoner of war; while the lions roared in the nearby amphitheatre; on the beach at Dunkirk; while the hiss of scythes in the thick June grass came faintly through the windows of the church; tremulously, by an old monk on the fiftieth anniversary of his vows; furtively, by an exiled bishop who had hewn timber all day in a prison camp near Murmansk; gorgeously, for the canonisation of S. Joan of Arc—one could fill many pages with the reasons why men have done this, and not tell a hundredth part of them. And best of all, week by week and month by month, on a hundred thousand successive Sundays, faithfully, unfailingly, across all the parishes of Christendom, the pastors have done this just to make the plebs sancta Dei—the holy common people of God.

The common pattern we have heard today is the act of passing on what we have received (from God) -passing it on to future generations, to keep it alive, to keep it eternally present, to change the course of history.

We remember your death, O Lord
We proclaim your resurrection,
We await your coming in glory;

Sunday, October 29, 2017


Homily: St. Peter’s

Proper 24: Oct. 22, 2017


I love it when I can get a clear sense from the reading of scripture that these people about whom we read were real flesh and blood people – just like you and me – only more so. I get that sense in today’s readings.


On first reading or hearing this passage I can be confused. That’s the first caution. Being confused. Because how can you know someone’s name but not know who they are? Back in chapter 3 God introduces himself by name to Moses in that wonderful scene in the cave where Moses is instructed to take off his shoes and a bush doesn’t burn. But here we have him later in Exodus saying I don’t know who you really are. And God says to him, “Alright already. I’ll let you see me my backside as I pass by. So hide behind this rock.”

The scene is a classic text demonstrating how the understanding was deep-seated in ancient Israel that to see the Lord was to risk death. God was a powerful thing not something we genuflected to on occasion. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom.


The scene from The Gospel of Matthew – told in a very similar fashion in the other two synoptic gospels Mark and Luke – is at first seemingly straightforward. The Pharisees are trying to catch or trap Jesus. Jesus somehow outsmarts them the story tells us. But from our vantage point, so many centuries later, at least to me, the whole text seems watered down. I’ve heard commentaries over and over again about money and taxes. About how much should go to the church and how much to the state, etc. etc. I never truly was convinced that it was about paying taxes or a tithe to the church.

The Pharisees set Jesus up with false flattery – “Oh we’ve heard about how fair-minded you are.” Jesus isn’t tempted in the least. He knows the Pharisees well – much better than we do today, actually. Jesus knows that on many things he and the Pharisees see eye to eye. That’s why there’s so much competition coming at him from the Pharisees.

The first inkling that I had that there was more going on in this passage was a scene from a play that was done in England several decades ago. It was shocking to see Jesus portrayed in it as a rough and tumble dock worker at a port in England. His best buds were a tough-looking lot themselves. When the Pharisees ask their question, this particular Jesus responded with power and it was clear that no one could respond to it. They were silenced.

There is more though. One of my teachers at Notre Dame, John Howard Yoder, pointed out or argued that when the Pharisees asked Jesus about the payment of taxes to Caesar, it was clearly understood that Jesus had a position opposing the paying of taxes. Otherwise, Yoder said, the argument made no sense. But they could catch him, of course, if publicly he came out against the paying of taxes to the Roman occupiers. Especially if they could catch him for example when the microphone was turned on as it were.

The other aspect of the story that is vital for understanding it in its proper context is that Jesus and the Pharisees were not somehow at opposite ends of the political spectrum. The Pharisees and Jesus actually had much in common for both of them sought to renew the spiritual life of the people of Judea, the Jews living in Palestine. Jesus however was more radical than the Pharisees. After the destruction of the temple by Rome’s soldiers, the Pharisees went on to morph into the rabbis who essentially created modern Judaism. Jesus was prepared to do away with most of the very laws that defined what it meant to be a Jew as he sought to be faithful in a radical way to his God Abba the father. Jesus went on to become just one more victim of the Roman occupiers in their stranglehold on the people of Palestine. He appeared to Cephas and the 12 and later to Paul – and as they say – all the rest is history.

Jesus, in his response to the Pharisees, was making clear that this coin which he showed them had an engraving of a man claiming to be Son of God. It was both blasphemous and idolatrous. For Jesus all things belong to God. He wasn’t sort of resisting Roman taxation. He was resisting all that Rome stood for.

Listen to your life

For myself, these two passages bring God into my very life. When I listen to these texts and recognize Moses and those dock workers listening to God speak to them, to their very life, I can begin to listen to what my life is telling me about God.

Two authors have spoken to me over the years, though I never had the chance to meet either of them. Parker Palmer and Frederich Buechner are their names. Each of them have written about the need for us to listen to our lives if we are to hear what GOd has to say to us. Each of them had a knack for listening to one’s life, to the hurly-burly, to the rough and tumble, to the deep reality, of the lives that we live, and finding there the backside of God, the tossing of a coin with Caesar’s face imprinted on it. And looking and listening and feeling those lives, they encounter the Living God.

“Before I can tell my life what I want to do with it, I must listen to my life telling me who I am.”
― Parker J. Palmer, Let Your Life Speak: Listening for the Voice of Vocation

“Before you tell your life what you intend to do with it, listen for what it intends to do with you. Before you tell your life what truths and values you have decided to live up to, let your life tell you what truths you embody, what values you represent.” P. Palmer

These two episodes from our Bible this morning tell us something about how to live our lives, listen to our lives, and live the life God has set before us. Moses was hiding in the rock waiting to see God’s backside – just a fleeting glimpse – but he knew that this was indeed the living God. And the Pharisees together with the other workers having their lives examined by a Rabbi named Jesus. He knew that their efforts to trick him, obscured the truth that they truly are Children of God, called into Covenant with the Living God and called to give everything to The God Whom they must follow.

The power of Jesus’ response to the Dock Workers gathered around him is precisely because he does not say in words who they are and whose they are. He leaves it for the silence in which they can hear their own lives. Again and again that is the way Jesus speaks to us, in the silence which makes it both possible and imperative that we listen to what God is calling us to do and to be. Jesus tells them they’re on the docks who they are and whose they are in words or silence that allow them to here. He speaks to us in the silence in which he left those Pharisees that day. A silence when they had to choose who they were. They went away amazed.

Where are we?

In our lives we may be old or young, discouraged or motivated to move forward. To be in the presence of the living God is a dangerous thing.

In our lives we may be sorting things out, trying to prioritize, or we may just be coping day to day. But in the end the coins we carry in our pocket will not get us anywhere.

“The End” is a song by the Beatles – It was the last song recorded collectively by all four Beatles, and is the final song of the medley that constitutes the majority of side two of the album “Abbey Road.”

  • ‘And in the end, the love you get is equal to the love you give,’

The message for today is a wake up call to ask of our lives who the Living God has made us for. We may want to hide, but in the end, what we have to give is our life – in love.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017


Anglican Reformation

The Oratory
The Rev. Dale C. Hathaway
Oct. 17, 2017


By way of introduction let me tell you a little about myself. At the beginning, though, I would say that I don’t speak for all Anglicans. Just me.

I was ordained a priest in 1982 and served as a parish priest in Wisconsin. I returned to Notre Dame in 1984 to continue graduate studies in theology, Hebrew Studies, and liturgy. I have served parishes in Indiana and Hawaii and am currently supplying on Sundays in congregations in South and North Carolina.

My wife, Mary Pat Sjostrom is here tonight. She teaches Math Education at Winthrop University and is the reason we moved to Rock Hill in 2014. I am canonically a Priest of the Diocese of Hawaii, and I started out my journey as an Episcopalian in the state of Colorado.

Currently I am retired as a parish priest and teach courses in the Religion Department at Winthrop. Dr. Judge, well-known to you all, is, of course, the chair of the department.


When I first agreed to this talk I thought, ``Well, I can do that." Then I began to reflect on all the facets of Anglicanism that I thought I would want to include, and I realized that it is, in fact, a daunting task. It’s not really any easier in my mind if I’ve only got a ½ hour to work with. Some of the greatest minds in my church tradition have made an attempt to bring it all together and I am clearly no match compared to them. Some prominent examples from the last century include:

  • Urban T. Holmes III, What Is Anglicanism?
  • John Howe (Our Anglican Heritage)
  • The Study of Anglicanism by Stephen Sykes (Author)
  • A History of the Church in England J. R. H. Moorman

Caution not withstanding, I offer you this little essay on what it means to be Anglican. For those of you who are interested you can access the talk at my sermon blog. I have copies of the url for you.

Henry VIII

The first thing I want to address is the proposition that Henry the 8th founded the Church of England. I honestly don’t know anyone writing about Anglicanism who would make that claim. At the same time, I think that there are many who make that assumption. It all began far earlier. Let me illustrate it this way.

I once was enchanted by a very difficult Welsh poet who evoked in several of his long and difficult poems the countryside the land which is now London England. He painted a picture of rolling meadows, trickling streams – in every way a pastoral scene where one could while away an afternoon looking at birds and butterflies. We need to go back in time, to just such a scene as that conjures up, a time a long ways before Henry VIII. London was founded by the Romans in the year 43 of the Common Era. Sometime not long after that Christianity was brought to Britain. Archaeological evidence dates from at least the 3rd century. Legendary accounts reach back earlier than that. Anglicanism as I understand it, anyway, began when Christianity reached the shores of what we today call Britain.

With the shrinking of the Roman empire, Britain which was a far western colony, fell off the radar of Rome. There followed a period of invasions of various Germanic groups, including the Angles who gave England its name and this thing we call Anglicanism. We now think of this time as a kind of interlude – during which Celtic Christianity took root throughout Britain, Scotland, and Ireland. In the 6th century of the Common Era Augustine was sent as a missionary from the Roman Church to evangelize the islands. There was an encounter between two different traditions, the Roman and the Celtic. This Celtic face of Christianity is of great interest in the current day. It preserved certain distinctive practices in contrast to those of the Roman church and many today evoke that Celtic spirit as the modern church struggles with its own identity in the 21st c. My wife and I have used elements of these traditions in our own personal prayer. The confrontation between these two traditions, the Roman and the Celtic, was more or less resolved in favor of the Roman tradition at the Council of Whitby in 664.

Seeds of Reformation

During the Middle Ages, Britain took its place alongside the rest of developing Christendom, playing an important role in the development of liturgy, of universities, and the administration of the church and so on. cf. e.g. Wikipedia And it was really during this time that ``seeds" of what became the Reformation began.

In the 1300’s John Wycliffe was already teaching and writing influential documents that gave a foundation for much of what would emerge two centuries later in the Reformation proper. These things included a commitment to translating the Bible into the vernacular, criticism of the clergy, a new understanding of the sacraments, and even questioning the role of the papacy itself.

As the 1500’s began, there was a stirring across Western Christendom, and we have heard in these presentations something about that. In England Henry had published a document defending the Church Against the attacks of Martin Luther. The pope named him “a defender of the Faith.” So much for the founder of the Anglican Reformation.

What Henry VIII didn’t have was a male successor to the throne. His moves to establish himself as head of the church in England rather than the Pope, was his effort to make possible his own male successor. It was not an attempt to reform the Church at that point.

This fundamental break, like so many other developments in the church, was based not on theological perspectives, faith perspectives, or scriptural criteria, but rather on power and authority. A thousand years ago political control was an important issue for the church. It still is which is part of why John Paul II formally rejected any claim by the Catholic Church to ``temporal authority" beyond Vatican City itself.

Another way I have thought of these political tensions, looking and acting like theological issues, is by recognizing the political nature of the church and churches. From the beginning. I have often quoted a teacher of mine from seminary who said, ``Wherever two or three are gathered together, there you have politics." Politics has informed the development of the church from the beginning and continues to do so to the present day. The story of the Anglican church is bound up with politics, together with theology, prayer, sacraments, etc.

So Henry’s desire for a divorce lead to more and more effects both intended and unintended. Theologically the great break with traditional Catholic theology took place not under Henry’s reign but under his son’s, Edward VI.

Henry’s Archbishop of Canterbury, Thomas Cranmer, had become persuaded of the truth and importance of Luther’s and Calvin’s teachings, and he moved to institute those reformed teachings into the Church of England. The history of England being what it was, there were lots of back and forth shifting of politics and theology. Under Queen Mary there was a shift back to the Catholic Church and then with the succession of Elizabeth, Protestantism was brought back into England. It wasn’t clear from one generation to another where the Church of England stood on theological as well as authority issues, as it shifted from decade to decade through war and disputes. The English Civil War was in some measure a war over theology. The journey of the Pilgrims and Puritans to this country was a political action as well as theologically motivated move.

Ultimately, as 1700 approached, there was an agreement on the establishment of the church in England as the official church of the land. It also allowed for an official place in society for the various nonconformist churches, Puritans, Baptists, Ana-Baptists of various sorts – those who had been represented in various factions of the Civil War. It is just such an establishment that our constitution rejects and the same sort of freedom of religion that it affirms – for all.

English Empire & Episcopal Church

As the Church of England sought to stabilize in the British Isles it was faced with trying to find a way to exist in the Empire from Ireland to Hong Kong and Australia to the colonies in America. The story in our country obviously came to a head at the time of the revolution.

When it came time to declaring independence and a war was fought, none of the Bishops of the Church of England sympathized with the colonies. There were clergy and congregations but no Bishops and an Anglican Church couldn’t continue without a hierarchy in Apostolic Succession.

In 1783 Samuel Seabury was elected from Connecticut to travel to England to be ordained a bishop. As it happened however, it was illegal in England to ordain someone who would not proclaim an oath of Allegiance to the English crown. Seabury then turn to the church in Scotland which would allow such an ordination without allegiance to the English Monarchy – up to the present day, I think, it has a less than sympathetic attitude to its neighbors to the South.

By 1787 the English church had changed the rules and William White and Samuel Provoost were ordained the second and third Bishops of the Episcopal Church. From thence forward, there have been bishops in the apostolic succession in the American Anglican church.

For similar kinds of reasons the establishment of the Episcopal Church needed to make adjustments in the Book of Common Prayer that would no longer apply in an independent country. These can be easily seen in the establishment of a structure of polity in the Episcopal Church along the lines of the newly-established United States of America, with a tri-partite division of authority rather than the more monarchical structure of the Church of England.

As the English Empire has developed now over the centuries, there have developed a number of different ``flavors" of Anglicanism: the Church in Aoteoroa (New Zealand) and Australia, the church in Hong Kong and Singapore, the Church in Scotland and Ireland, and so on.

Via Media

The Anglican Way of seeking a synthesis or compromise for living together – agreeing to disagree – as regards the conflict between protestantism and Catholicism is popularly known as the Via Media.

Out of the cauldron of this tension emerged two documents that were formative for the English language and in particular the religious use of the English language. The authorized version of the English translation of the Bible otherwise known as The King James Bible and the Book of Common Prayer are products of the Church of England. The reforms of liturgy that began in the 1500s with attempts to radically change the worship of the church under Thomas Cranmer (BCP 1549) and finally resulted in a balance of elements from Protestantism and Catholicism in the Book of Common Prayer of 1662. It remains today one of the authorized prayer books for us in the English church. The use of the Book of Common Prayer is one of the distinctive (almost essential) elements of Anglicanism. You can find people using the Book of Common Prayer who are not Anglican. But I don’t think you could find anyone identifying as Anglican who doesn’t use the Book of Common Prayer, in one of its variations.

To give just one example of the distinctive compositions of the BCP, the ``General Thanksgiving" was composed in the 1600s and may trace its heritage back to a private prayer of Queen Elizabeth.

Almighty God, Father of all mercies,
we your unworthy servants give you humble thanks
for all your goodness and loving-kindness
to us and to all whom you have made.
We bless you for our creation, preservation,
and all the blessings of this life;
but above all for your immeasurable love
in the redemption of the world by our Lord Jesus Christ;
for the means of grace, and for the hope of glory.
And, we pray, give us such an awareness of your mercies,
that with truly thankful hearts we may show forth your praise,
not only with our lips, but in our lives,
by giving up our selves to your service,
and by walking before you
in holiness and righteousness all our days;
through Jesus Christ our Lord,
to whom, with you and the Holy Spirit,
be honor and glory throughout all ages. Amen.

The classic attempt of the Anglican way – the via media – is to find some means of bringing together opposing forces. So in contrast to many of the developments of the Reformation, the Anglican way has elements of Catholicism and Protestantism in its pronouncements, documents, and its effort to define its own orthodoxy.

In the Book of Common Prayer we can see that at work in the classic 39 articles. These remain in prayer books up to the present day and at least officially I believe, in England, they are still a part of an ordination process and one must profess allegiance to them in order to be ordained.

Articles I–VIII:
The Catholic Articles: The first five articles articulate the Catholic credal statements concerning the nature of God, manifest in the Holy Trinity. Articles VI and VII deal with scripture, while Article VIII discusses the essential creeds.
Articles IX—XVIII:
The Protestant and Reformed Articles: These articles dwell on the topics of sin, justification, and the eternal disposition of the soul. Of particular focus is the major Reformation topic of justification by faith.
Articles XIX–XXXI:
The Anglican Articles: This section focuses on the expression of faith in the public venue – the institutional church, the councils of the church, worship, ministry, and sacramental theology.
Miscellaneous: These articles concern clerical celibacy, excommunication, traditions of the Church, and other issues not covered elsewhere. Article XXXVII additionally states among other things that the Bishop of Rome has no jurisdiction in the realm of England. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thirty-nine_Articles

In this summary you have listed a fairly good account of the things that divided Christians during the Reformation. Burning issues of theology and polity. The Church of England jumped right in the middle of it and from the beginning tried to find a way to be inclusive rather than exclusive.

Anglican identity

Writing in the 1500s, Richard Hooker was the most influential thinker in the development of Anglican’s distinctive via media. His educational background was traditional and classical while his religious leanings were Protestant and Reformed. He has for centuries been credited with fashioning the Anglican path ``in the middle way", the via media, between Catholicism and Protestantism. It has entered the popular mind in the form of a three-legged stool, symbolizing the foundation of Christian revelation and authority in: 1) Scripture, 2) Tradition, and 3) Reason. He was one of the first of many representatives of Anglicanism to argue for a broad inclusive expression of Christian Faith.

So Anglicanism in the general is based not on Protestantism’s Sola Scriptura nor based on the ecclesiastical foundation of Catholicism’s “tradition, scripture and magisterium”. For him authority rests on scripture, tradition, and reason or experience.

While the metaphor of the three-legged stool is obviously overly simplistic, it does point to an element of Anglicanism that is genuinely distinctive. Reason and experience are important components of being Anglican. There was an advertising campaign a number of years ago that one didn’t need to check one’s mind at the door when you entered an Episcopal Church.

An example of this principle at work was given to me many years ago in describing the way by which the Church of England and the wider Anglican communion came to a conclusion that birth control was acceptable.

The way it was told to me was that in the Lambeth Conference of 1920 The Bishop’s had agreed to uphold the traditional teaching opposing all forms of birth control. In the gathering of 1930, however, one of the Bishops in the discussion about the topic asked for a show of hands of how many of the Bishops themselves used contraception. When the show of hands was fairly significant the vote changed. Experience had led to theological development.


Anglicanism has been a major force in the ecumenical movement of the last 2 centuries.

An early attempt at expressing a self understanding had been made in the late 1800s in the so-called Chicago-Lambeth quadrilateral.

  • The Holy Scriptures, as containing all things necessary to salvation;
  • The creeds (specifically, the Apostles’ and Nicene Creeds), as the sufficient statement of Christian faith;
  • The dominical sacraments of baptism and Holy Communion;
  • The historic episcopate, locally adapted.

These four points remained for the 20th century the basis for ecumenical efforts involving or lead by Anglicanism. They were the chief definition that I was taught in seminary and during the discussions of the 1990’s through the early 2000’s with the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America they form the basis of the conversations that I was aware of.

The same Lambeth Conference that made the decision about birth control also made an attempt to define Anglicanism:

Their resolution #49 approved a statement of the **nature and status of the Anglican Communion**,“ namely thatthe Anglican Communion is a fellowship, within the one Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, of those duly constituted dioceses, provinces or regional Churches in communion with the See of Canterbury,” which have three things in common:

  1. ``they uphold and propagate the Catholic and Apostolic faith and order as they are generally set forth in the Book of Common Prayer as authorised in their several Churches"

  2. ``they are particular or national Churches, and, as such, promote within each of their territories a national expression of Christian faith, life and worship"

  3. they are bound together ``by mutual loyalty sustained through the common counsel of the bishops in conference."

An example of this ecumenical effort making real progress can be seen in the churches of South and North India. In the 1940s and later these efforts brought together churches of four different traditions: Anglican (Episcopal), Congregational, Presbyterian and Methodist.

Lex orandi, lex credendi

Already in the fifth century there is an expression of a principle that the prayer and worship of Christians leads to Theology and belief. Lex orandi, lex credendi. A simplistic way of thinking of this principle is that the experience of prayer precedes the development of theology. An example might be to say that Christians of the early church experienced the power and validity of prayer in the name of the Trinity. Only then did the theology of the Trinity begin to develop.

This has been an abiding principle for Anglicanism and it finds its expression in the essential importance of the Book of Common Prayer. Ann B Davis, well-known actress from the television show The Brady Bunch, was an Episcopalian and for many years a member of an extended Christian Community under the bishop of Colorado. She would give talks around the country about her move towards becoming a serious Christian. She said that she had been an Episcopalian all her life and in that capacity knew the Book of Common Prayer – at least those portions that were read in church on a regular basis. As an adult she experienced conversion that led her to reading the Bible. She would say to her audience that she was startled when she did that at how often the Bible quoted the Book of Common Prayer. The joke of course is that it’s quite the opposite.

19th c. Emergence of Anglo-catholic

When I was asked in the 1970s through the 1980s what it meant to be an Episcopalian or an Anglican, I would tell people that it was very much like a Catholic but without a pope and that our clergy could marry.

Things have become much more complicated today. But there’s a certain element of Truth in that statement. Very often I have encountered couples from different denominations, for example Catholic and Baptist, who find a common ground in the Episcopal Church.

As Anglicanism developed over the centuries, there emerged two competing visions of the church, each of them reflecting sympathies with either the Reformation or Catholic tradition. A shorthand way of describing these ``branches" of Anglicanism is to refer to them as Low Church and High Church, corresponding to Protestant-leaning Anglicans and Catholic-leaning Anglicans. In the development of Christian thought during the 18th century and with the impact of the Enlightenment and rationalism, there emerged a third party and that came to be known as a Broad church. So even when I was in seminary it was common to hear someone identify themselves as either High, Low, or Broad church.

A mentor of mine said that in his travels around the country, he found that the more important distinction was not whether a church was high, low, or broad, but rather whether there was an active faith in a living God or not.

All too often Anglicanism has found expression in a dry, tradition-bound faith, defending the status-quo more than the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Another mentor of mine told me the story of how Anglicanism was:

  • Lutheran in theology

  • Calvinist in polity

  • Catholic in haberdashery

Throughout the history of Anglicanism there has been a broad representation from many different viewpoints. One expression of this that was important to me in my early formation, was the observation that of all the Protestant churches in the United States the Episcopal Church was the only one that didn’t divided over the Civil War. Whatever the slant you take, Anglicanism has sought – to repeat myself – to define itself by what it encompasses rather than by what it excludes.

Current circumstances

As I began to prepare this talk I became aware that I would need to say something about the current situation in the Episcopal Church which is to say Anglicanism as it is experienced in the United States. As I drove several times in these past few weeks up into the mountains of Western North Carolina I passed through several small towns where there was an Episcopal Church and then right down the street an Anglican Church – judging by the signs outside them. This phenomena is a result of schism happening in the church, divisions occurring over disagreements of theology, sexual orientation, the role of women in the church, etc etc. Back when I was still anticipating going to seminary in the 1970s, my mentor in the parish that I attended at the time, experienced his own home church in Denver, St. Mary’s by name, being the first one to split away from the Episcopal Church. The rector became a bishop and the denomination that resulted has disappeared. At the time this was because the Episcopal church had made a decision to begin ordaining women. The divisions have kept coming over the succeeding decades as a church has wrestled with one ethical and moral issue after another.

By the 1990s it was clear that the Episcopal Church was moving in a direction to embrace fully the membership within the community of homosexual persons. In time there was a wide acceptance of the LGBT community. Openly gay people have now been ordained and legally married in this country.

During this time there have been some perhaps many who have felt that the church moved past them and that they no longer had a voice and a place within the Episcopal Church. So various traditionalist elements have broken with the National Church and attempted to align themselves with various groups around the world who also identify as Anglican. This attempt to provide an alternative Anglican expression in this country is still unfolding as we speak. It’s not clear to me whether these groups will be accepted by for example the Archbishop of Canterbury. In the meantime you can drive down the street in towns of South and North Carolina and see an Episcopal church and just down the street an Anglican Church that might be aligned with a church in Africa or a breakaway diocese of North America or of the Church of the Southern cone in Latin America.

Why an Anglican?

In conclusion I would like to say something about what is it about Anglicanism that would attract someone? There were two things that stand out for me from the time I chose to become Episcopalian leaving behind my father’s methodism. One was lighting candles. Such a simple Act that seemed to me to bring life to the space of worship.

If you came this way,
Taking any route, starting from anywhere,
At any time or at any season,
It would always be the same: you would have to put off
Sense and notion. You are not here to verify,
Instruct yourself, or inform curiosity
Or carry report. You are here to kneel
Where prayer has been valid. And prayer is more
Than an order of words, the conscious occupation
Of the praying mind, or the sound of the voice praying.
(“Little Gidding” from The Four Quartets, T.S. Eliot)

The other thing that captivated me and drew me into the Anglican ethos was a single common cup that had wine in it. Everyone in the room drank from this cup – at least in those days. The symbolism of having wine which the New Testament portrays Jesus as using in the very ritual that is Remembered at every Eucharist, an alcoholic beverage that even as a 12 year old I knew carried spirit enough to make one inebriated with the spirit. Shared by all.

These were symbols that were powerful for me. From that moment onward, at least as a young adolescent, I understood something about the power of symbols, the power of sacrament, and in the language of many an Anglican, the Incarnational Manifestation of God – these spoke to my heart.

I have come to recognize that they don’t speak to everyone but to many they do. And for them the Episcopal Church can be a home.


Sermon: Oct. 1, 2017: ✤ St. Paul’s, Monroe, NC

Opening image: Tony Campolo’s story

There is a well-known story told by Tony Campolo that you may even have heard. I’ve told it before. In fact I never get tired of telling it.

I heard Campolo tell this story. It went like this:

He found himself unable to sleep after his arrival in Hawai’i to take part in what became Hawaiian Island Ministries. It’s a long ways from Pennsylvania to Honolulu and it often takes a day or so to get adjusted to the time difference. Late, long after midnight, he found himself out on the streets, looking for a place to a snack or something to drink.

There was a bar tender behind the counter who came over and asked him, “What d’ya want?”

He said he wanted a cup of coffee and a donut.

As he sat there munching on his donut and sipping his coffee at 3:30 in the morning, the door of the place suddenly swung open and in marched eight or nine provocative and boisterous prostitutes.

Their talk was loud and crude. He overheard one of the women say, “Tomorrow’s my birthday. I’m going to be 39.”

Her “friend” responded in a nasty tone, “So what do you want from me? A birthday party? What do you want? Ya want me to get you a cake and sing ‘Happy Birthday’?”

“Come on,” said another woman. “Why do you have to be so mean? I was just telling you, that’s all. Why do you have to put me down? I was just telling you it was my birthday. I don’t want anything from you. I mean, why should you give me a birthday party? I’ve never had a birthday party in my whole life. Why should I have one now?”

When Campolo heard that, he made a decision. He waited until the women had left. Then he called over to the bar tender and asked him, “Do they come in here every night?”

“Yeah!” he answered.

“The one right next to me, does she come here every night?”

“Yeah!” he said. “That’s Agnes. Yeah, she comes in here every night. Why d’ya wanta know?”

“Because I heard her say that tomorrow is her birthday. What do you say we do something about that? What do you think about us throwing a birthday party for her—right here—tomorrow night?”

The bartender responded to the suggestion that they give a birthday for a prostitute by asking Campolo, “What do you do, anyway.” To which Campolo said, “I’m a preacher”.

The bartender was disbelieving and said, mockingly, “What kind of church do you peach at?” Campolo responded, “The kind of church that gives birthday parties for prostitutes.”

At that point the bartender was undone. He said, “Nah, that couldn’t be true. If there was a church like that I would be going to it.”

Matthew gospel says: Son, go and work in the vineyard today.’ He answered, ‘I will not’; but later he changed his mind and went. The father went to the second and said the same; and he answered, ‘I go, sir’; but he did not go. Which of the two did the will of his father?” Jesus said, “The tax collectors and the prostitutes got it.”

Jesus interaction with chief priests and elders is remarkable.

They come up to him and say, “Do you have a permit to be doing that?” “You don’t have a right to do that so just stop it.”

And Jesus does kind of an amazing thing right there. He says, “Well, I’ve got a question for you? If you give me a good answer I’ll answer your question.” Now that’s a pretty uppity thing to say the elite - powerful folks who were talking to him.

Here’s the Cotton Patch version. That’s the one done by Vernon Jordan in the 1950’s. The one where the whole setting of the NT is shifted to Georgia. Jerusalem is called Atlanta. If you don’t know it you should look at it some day.

Returning to the church, he was approached during a teaching session by some ministers and elders who asked, “What right do you have to do these things? Who gave you this permission?” Jesus replied, “All right, I’ll ask you just one question, and if you answer it, then I’ll tell you where I got permission to do these things. John’s baptism, was it divine or human?” They conferred with one another, saying, “If we tell him ‘divine,’ then he’ll ask us, ‘So why didn’t you accept it?’ If we say ‘human,’ we’re scared of John’s crowd, because they all regard him as a man of God.” So they told Jesus, "We really don’t know. “Okay,” he said, “then I won’t tell you where I got the authority for my actions. But give me a reading on this: A man had two boys. He went to the older one and said, ‘My boy, go work in the orchard today.’ He said, ‘Will do, Pop,’ but he never did. Then he went to the younger one and told him the same thing. But the boy said, ‘I won’t go.’ Afterwards he felt like a heel, and did go. Which of the two obeyed his father?” “Why, the last one,” they said. “And I’m telling you the honest truth,” Jesus said, "that the hippies and the whores are taking the lead over you into the God Movement. For John confronted you with the way of justice, and you didn’t buy it. But the hippies and the whores bought it, and you knew it. Even this, though, didn’t make you feel like a heel afterwards and go buy it yourselves.

  • Jesus was addressing the good folks who were having a hard time figuring out that he was talking to them. “Who me. You’re talking to me?”

Follow up: Do we get it?

Couple from Spain, came to church and went home asking, “That was so wonderful! I wonder what they want from us?” But it was good enough that they came back the next week. When they went home that day they said to one another, “You know, I don’t think they want anything from us.”

In other words they thought that all that was on display at the church was Grace.

There was another woman who came to our church. She was on welfare and definitely not a part of the old guard which was mostly Japanese folk who had been there for years or generations. She was Lebanese from Rhode Island. She lived in the neighborhood and on her daily walk she would stop and talk to all the homeless people that lived in the neighborhood.

One day she was talking to one of the homeless folk that both Mary Pat and I knew for a number of years. The homeless person said to her, “There’s this church you need to come to. They heave a healing service on Wednesdays. Come and see.” So she did. She stayed. Eventually became a leader and a vestry member even though in a lot of ways she was at least a little crazy.

She invited other people. One of them was a woman who, when she showed up at my healing service and I went to lay hands on her, a bird popped out of her hair and landed on her shoulder. She showed me pictures on her phone of clouds and she asked me, “You see the angels don’t you.”

Among my favorite people in the church at the time I retired was a young couple that was still living on the street. Both of them had been to jail and it was partly because of that experience that they were intent on not using drugs. They were in church on Sundays and had some of the best input at our mid-week bible study.

There are many other examples from my own life. But it’s not about me. It’s all of us.

[e.g. Fr. Tom & dressing as a homeless person and sitting right in the middle of church.]

Jesus did it. What should we do then?

At the heart of the gospel, at the core of our “reading and inwardly digesting” the scriptures, is the challenge to figure out what it means to us?

Jesus tells us stories. We tell one another stories. Jesus had a special affection for the sinners and prostitutes. What are we supposed to do with that.

As the AIDS epidemic was exploding in the 1980’s, our Presiding Bishop challenged all the clergy in the church to adopt one person who had AIDS and get to know them, become their friend, and minister to them. I figured, well, I guess I need to do that. I did. And I found that I received as much as I gave.

One of the times that I was listening to Tony Campolo at HIM in Hawai’i, he said to the 3,000 people or so in the audience, "I want you to go out those doors and sign up to support one of those kids in Compassion International. The power of his testimony and his message led me to figure, “Well, I guess I need to do that.” I’ve been sending money every month to Latin America ever since.

The message today is: I don’t know who the sinners and prostitutes are in your world. But go out bring the message of Grace to them.

For John came to you in the way of righteousness and you did not believe him, but the tax collectors and the prostitutes believed him; and even after you saw it, you did not change your minds and believe him.

Sunday, September 24, 2017


Sermon: Sept. 24: St. Peter’s

The Gospel today sounds like an offense to the best of our human instincts regarding fairness and justice.

Jesus: King. of Heaven is like laborers went out into the field … working various lengths. … so the last shall be first and the first last. …

None of us can hear the parable about the Kingdom of Heaven without first reacting – wait? what? … that’s a sign that we may be on to something.

On Easter this past Spring I preached at the church in Rock Hill. In it I tried to evoke the wonder and depth and significance of what we proclaimed on that night. In the course of it I recalled a commencement speech that had been given a year earlier by the dean of Harvard Graduate School of Education. It was filmed and shared on YouTube where it came to be viewed by millions of people – going viral I guess it’s called.

The key words of the commencement message that I wanted to focus on was a pair of words that are sometimes spoken by children and young adults when they are surprised by the depth and significance of something the parents have raised.

Imagine that someone you respect has told you something vitally significant about your life and what’s going to happen in it. Your first instinct might be to try to react as if was a normal conversation. And you would say, What! But then quickly you realize that the person has told you who you are, what is important in your life, and where your future life is going. Then you would say, Wait!

Jesus speaks to us that way – when we have ears to hear. Wait! What!

The parables we encounter in the New Testament – particularly when we do hear them as he intended – lead us to say Wait! What!

Because the parables – when we can hear them – are intended to wake us up, to shake our expectations, and to lead us into a new way of living.

Today’s gospel is one of those kind of parables.

If we can hear it, it offends our sense of justice and fairness.

Jesus says to his hearers, “The Kingdom of Heaven is like a landowner who went out and hired workers throughout the day, promising each of them a fair wage.”

Now as you would expect the workers who worked longer hours were angry at the unfairness of it all.

It is not inappropriate that we would think about the first reading where the Israelites complain to God – after he had successfully delivered them from centuries of slavery in Egypt.

In contrast to Rabbinic parables with a similar theme, this parable stresses God’s unmerited grace, rather than any sense of “earning” God’s favour. In this way it resembles the Parable of the Prodigal Son.

Yes, what we hear in the story is not fair. It is not just. We are not to be faulted for hearing it that way, for justice and fairness are one of God’s abiding characteristics.

Fair? Just?

What is fair? What is just? Literally it involves a kind of equation, a statement with an equal sign in the middle of it. E.g. “This 25¢ is = to this glass of lemonade.” It’s a fair price to pay at the children’s lemonade stand. The penalty one has to pay for speeding on the streets of Great Falls – well we could say that it is just, it is an appropriate payment for the infraction. There is a correspondence on either side of an equal sign.

  • If you are willing to go a little ways with me on this lesson, perhaps you’ll go further when I affirm what Galileo Galilei said many centuries ago, “Mathematics is the language in which God has written the universe”. The equal sign at the heart of so much of mathematics is in fact God’s language. God knows about justice and fairness.
  • God has given us the gift of recognizing fairness and justice and charged us with bringing about more and more fairness and justice into the world.
  • But here is Jesus’ point in the parable. God didn’t give us His eyes and heart. He only gave us the means to grow into his eyes and heart.
  • God’s justice and fairness, in the language of the parable, is: it is all gift, it is all grace

Paradox as a part of “religious language”

What looks and feels like unfairness and imbalance is in God’s eyes a greater justice. It’s why the writer of Matthew’s gospel “explains” the parable by saying that the first will be last and the last will be first. Jesus, it turns out was fond of saying that.

Living/Dying; first/last; strong/weak; hungry/well-fed; (beatitudes generally) … Jesus continually talked in paradox.

It’s the kind of thing the prophets had said before him.

Canticle 10 The Second Song of Isaiah Quaerite Dominum
Isaiah 55:6-11

Seek the Lord while he wills to be found; *
call upon him when he draws near.
Let the wicked forsake their ways *
and the evil ones their thoughts;
And let them turn to the Lord, and he will have compassion, *
and to our God, for he will richly pardon.
For my thoughts are not your thoughts, *
nor your ways my ways, says the Lord.
For as the heavens are higher than the earth, *
so are my ways higher than your ways,
and my thoughts than your thoughts.

Jesus spoke this parable to his hearers to provoke their sense of surprise and shock. Wait! What! So that they might recognize they weren’t yet able to see that God’s justice is in fact delivered in the form of a gift – in the form of Grace.

Jesus spoke the parable so that his hearers would be moved to change their thoughts, their ways, so that they might more easily recognize God’s thoughts.

A prayer attributed to St. Francis puts it this way:

  • Lord, make us instruments of your peace. Where there is
    hatred, let us sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where
    there is discord, union; where there is doubt, faith; where
    there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; where
    there is sadness, joy. Grant that we may not so much seek to
    be consoled as to console; to be understood as to understand;
    to be loved as to love. For it is in giving that we receive; it is
    in pardoning that we are pardoned; and it is in dying that we
    are born to eternal life. Amen.

Or as Jesus puts it in today’s reading: The Kingdom of heaven is like this: the first shall be last, the last shall be first.

Sunday, September 17, 2017

15th sun after pentecost

Sermon: Proper 19 – Sept. 17

St. Paul’s, Monroe

Forgiveness as the source of life

I’m thinking of the philosophers and scientists pursuing the question of how life began, how human beings were created, where it all started. We were reminded of some of this in the past few days and weeks as the Cassini space craft was completing its 13 year mission to Saturn. I read about how some of the things discovered during this remarkable ended up giving us new information about life could have beegun.
But in spite of all the new information we have about the origin of life, I am led to a curious conclusion. The beginning of everything we need to know about human life is really to be found somewhere else. Today I want to put before you the proposition that life really comes from a process of forgivenness.
Consider the central role forgiveness plays in the foundational story of the patriarchs – in particular Joseph and his brothers. We get a little flavor of that in the episode we hear today, coming as it does toward the end of the saga.
Poignance of Joseph receiving and forgiving his brothers after they had perpetrated such violence against him. (Gen)
Am I in the place of God? Even though you intended to do harm to me, God intended it for good (Gen)
Or Paul, writing towards the end of his magnum opus, his letter to the Romans.
Welcome those who are weak in faith, but not for the purpose of quarreling over opinions (Paul)
Who are you to pass judgment on servants of another? (Paul)
Finally, of course, in the gospel, we hear Jesus’ response to Peter who asks him, “How many times do we need to forgive someone?” Jesus’ words are probably not what he was looking for. They were:
“Not seven times, but, I tell you, seventy-seven times."
Jesus goes on to illustrate his answer with a parable using one of his most common similes. It is the continuation of Jesus’ opening, “The kingdom of heaven is like …”
And in anger his lord handed him over to be tortured until he would pay his entire debt. So my heavenly Father will also do to every one of you, if you do not forgive your brother or sister from your heart.”


Somehow the story emerging from these selections from the Bible is about God taking the terrible things that we have made and making something good out of it.
It’s something like taking lemons and making lemonade.
I remember a professor at seminary who bought an Oldsmobile. Within the first year I think he had to replace the transmission twice – or maybe it was having to replace the transmission a month after it went out of warranty. I’m not sure exactly. But he was left with the feeling that the car company was telling, “Sorry for your loss, pal. See ya around.”
His solution was to get a custom license plate – in Wisconsin at the time, license plates were a bright yellow. On his plate, boldly pinned to his nearly new Oldsmobile were the letters: A (space) LEMON.
I’m not sure if he was completely satisfied. But at the time it seemed like an innocent way of expressing one’s frustration at being powerless and being exploited by a corporation – all without hurting anyone.
In a much more serious example, my wife and I have been watching a tv show this season that some of you may have seen. It’s called “This is us”.
We first began watching because a colleague had said that it was a great show but that you had to have a box of kleenex handy because every episode would make you cry.
We found that to be roughly correct as far as the crying goes.
We also found it an enormously attractive story for a number of reasons: great acting, great writing, I like it because it has good things to say about being a father, and more.
It is also trying to tell a story that is as deep and significant as the words we hear in scripture today.
We have a whole season under our belts now and the next one is about to begin, but I don’t want to give too much away for any of you who might try to watch it.
(I don’t suppose I should worry about that because we have recently been re-watching the episodes and they still make me cry.)
Much of the premise of the series is built on an event in a hospital 30+ years ago. There a physician sits with a stunned and shocked father. They are in a hospital waiting area. It becomes clear that it is the waiting area outside the Delivery Room of the hospital. Dr. K. says
Dr. Katowsky: I like to think that one day you’ll be an old man like me talkin’ a young man’s ear off explainin’ to him how you took the sourest lemon that life has to offer and turned it into something resembling lemonade. If you can do that, then maybe you will still be taking three babies home from this hospital, just maybe not the way you planned.
Making lemonade out of sour lemons. It may be that the business God himself is in is making lemonade. Because he is in the business of taking the terrible things that we make and making lemonade from them – that is what we in turn need to be about.
“Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.”

Forgiveness is like lemonade

I don’t mean this to be trivial at all. Perhaps a little playful. But playful so that we can hear that it is about the transformation from the brokenness of sin and betrayal to something beautiful to God; from hate and violence to something beautiful to God; from abuse and exploitation – into something that God can smile about. Forgiveness provides us with a path forward when every step in front of us seems barred from us.
I once got a call late at night from a physician in the small congregation I served. The doctor worked with hospice and he had a patient that he was seeing who was dying. My friend observed that from a physical standpoint the man should already have died, but that there seemed to be something holding him back. He called me, thinking that the work of a priest might be more appropriate.
Indeed when I got there I found a man who was essentially unconscious, clinging to life with each breath. I asked a few general questions of the family at his bedside, but then began to pray. Basically I followed the outline of repentance and forgiveness as found in the BCP. It was a powerful experience for me. I got a phone call a few hours later – still in the middle of the night – that the man had died peacefully. Not that it mattered, but the man was a Baptist not an Episcopalian.
It is as if God was in the lemonade business, like two 8 year olds out on the street in front of their house. There is a card table there, a pitcher and some paper cups, and a sign that says, “Lemonade. 5¢ a cup.” God is those 2 young children.

God sings a song of forgiveness

I Know why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou.

I’m sure some of you have read it. It is a standard book in many of our schools’ curricula.
The book’s title comes from a poem by African-American poet Paul Laurence Dunbar. The caged bird, a symbol for the chained slave, is an image Angelou uses throughout all her writings. Wikipedia
In that autobiographical book she covers powerful and poignant subjects, from rape to racism. What was most important to me as I read and reread that book through the late 1980’s – we used it as one of our standards texts at St. Joseph’s College – was its account of how one particular girl took the greatest lemon one can imagine – and from the lemonade she made, she herself began to sing as a bird, as an author.
Angelou took the title of her book from a poem by an early 20th c. African-American poet by the name of Robert Dunbar. He used the image as a symbol of a chained slave and she borrowed and continued to use it. Wikipedia
I know why the caged bird sings, ah me,
When his wing is bruised and his bosom sore,—
When he beats his bars and he would be free;
It is not a carol of joy or glee,
But a prayer that he sends from his heart’s deep core,
But a plea, that upward to Heaven he flings—
I know why the caged bird sings!
“Take the sourest lemon life has to offer and turn it into something resembling lemonade”
The caged was 1st caged – it had been served a lemon like no other – its life of freedom was robbed from it – but the bird was able to bring forth song.

Forgiveness gives life

I was given a book some years ago that provided something of a roadmap or method for making forgiveness a part of your life. Though to forgive might seem like an insurmountable obstacle, the author would claim along with Jesus that to walk the path of forgiveness is to walk into life, lived to the fullest.

How to forgive and get your life back together again.

Dennis R. Maynard
(Maynard) outlines 7 steps to forgiving. They are not necessarily easy in as much as they seem insurmountable. But they are as near to us as is the Kingdom of God. They are:
  • Choose to forgive
  • Don’t cry alone
  • Go get angry
  • Forgiving and forgetting
  • Choose to reconcile
  • Sometimes reconciliation is not a choice
  • When restoration is a choice
  • Nurture a forgiving heart
These 7 steps are in effect a recipe for making lemonade from the lemons served us in life. There are perhaps variations, but when we consider the central place that forgiveness has in the gospel of Jesus Christ, we might conclude that it is the central recipe of the gospel.
Jesus forgives our sins through the power of God’s Grace. We forgive because we are first forgiven.
The Way of the world is “Arbeit machst frei”
The Way of God is "Versöhnlichkeith machst frei
We do not live to ourselves, and we do not die to ourselves. If we live, we live to the Lord, and if we die, we die to the Lord; so then, whether we live or whether we die, we are the Lord’s. For to this end Christ died and lived again, so that he might be Lord of both the dead and the living. (Paul)
Forgiving and Forgiven