
Showing posts from December, 2017


Homily: St. Paul’s – Advent 2 lectionary Comfort, comfort ye my people … a voice cries in the wilderness ( Isaiah ) a prophet speaks to us as only a prophet can: … all people are grass … see our God comes with might … to be their shepherd Then in Mark’s version of the gospel, we take a quick step from the Old Testament prophets right into the New Testament: John the baptizer appeared in the wilderness, proclaiming a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins … He proclaimed, “The one who is more powerful than I is coming after me; I am not worthy to stoop down and untie the thong of his sandals. John the Baptist I once got to hear John the Baptist speak. Well, not really John the Baptist. It may have been more like Jeremiah. Well, I’m not sure but in appearance and in his voice he was nothing if not an Old Testament prophet, walking right into a church auditorium in Pueblo, Colorado, ca. 1977. His name was William McNamara. A Carmelite priest, following in the tra...


Homily Advent 1: St. Paul’s Opening I have used the prayer Song of Zechariah for a very long time as a part of my daily prayer. I had it memorized by the time I was 30. Maybe I was drawn to it because it was a song by a father. I recognize I have a special place in my heart for fathers. It was sung by John the Baptist’s father, a priest, at the time his parents took John to be circumcised. He had been struck dumb, you may remember, when he scoffed at the notion that they would have a child at their advanced age. When next he opened his mouth to speak, he named the child “John” and praised God in song. Towards the end of the song we hear: Benedictus Dominus ( Song of Zechariah ) You, my child, shall be called the prophet of the Most High, for you will go before the Lord to prepare his way , To give his people knowledge of salvation * by the forgiveness of their sins. In the tender compassion of our God * the dawn from on high shall break upon us, To shine on those who dwel...