Easter 2: April 28, 2019 Our Saviour It took a week to tell the story and it culminated with the proclamation of last Sunday. The Church understands plainly that last week’s “Jesus Christ is Risen Today” is the most important proclamation we know as Christians. It alots a week of telling the story, this Easter week, it has been a part of the daily readings each day. We conclude “Easter Week” with the passage that begins, “A week later …” Well, I guess that’s appropriate. Thomas. The story focuses on Thomas today. But we will continue to tell the story throughout 50 days until the day of Pentecost. I want to read to you a short excerpt from an Easter sermon, written some 1700 years ago. I have never done this before. But I do it because of the power and significance of the words for us today. And because it helps to teach us that this is a story, a proclamation, that has been repeated over and over again from that first Easter day. St. Gregory Nazianzus “On Holy Pasch” The Most ...