Sun, Sep 29, 2019 St John’s, Winnsboro Pentecost 16 Opening We conclude this week a series of readings from the gospel of Luke that have had to do with priorities and the value of money or service. I recognized in my first year of ordained ministry, having to preach on these texts that they serendipitously fall during the traditional time of pledge drives, preparing church budgets, basic fiscal management in the churches. Next month we continue reading from the gospel of Luke, hearing Jesus teach and heal. The focus shifts toward healing and prayer, sincerity of heart. Goodness, the Christian life is complex. At least there are a lot of moving pieces to it. What do we make of it? How is what we hear today helpful to our lives as Christians? Stories (religious) What does a story mean? Take e.g. Good Night Moon In the great green room There was a telephone And a red balloon And a picture of- The cow jumping over the moon … Goodnight little house And goodnight mouse Go...